Friday, September 30, 2011

Feature Friday - Paper Quilling Hair Pins from our Etsy Shop

As our regular readers know we have an etsy shop and we have been devoting a lot of our creative energies these days towards developing new items for our shop.We are starting a new series.Feature Fridays where we will share some new items from our etsy shop Navanka Creations. The first one in the series is our new line of paper quilled hair pins.We like to call them "Cute Clippies". It was so much fun creating these. Hope you like them. Would love to get some feedback :).

Here are few pics of the clips packed and ready to ship.


  1. Thanks! Paula you are awesome :).

  2. pretty quilled pins. Really neat work.

  3. Your ideas is so cute and pretty quelled plain. Thanks for sharing us.

  4. Thanks Suganthi and Silver photo frames.

  5. Lovely flowers! I will definitely wear them! Especially the small pink flowers! They are so sweet!


We will love to have your comments/feedback!